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Ri-xW1c 7 Axonometry
Ri-xW1c 7
0:31 NamedView (User Interface)
1:02 Make2D (Parametric)
1:43 Isolate (User Interface)
2:37 Rotate (2D Modifiers)
Ri-xW1c 4 Generate 2D CAD from 3D Model
Ri-xW1c 4
0:36 ZoomSelected (User Interface)
0:45 ClippingPlane (Parametric)
1:28 Make2D (Parametric)
2:30 ChangeLayer (2D Modifiers)
3:18 Polyline (2D Tools)
Ri-xW1b 3 Sunlight
Ri-xW1b 3
0:54 Sun (Solids)
2:18 Render (Solids)
3:04 Skylight (Solids)
4:02 HDRI (Parametric)
Ri-xW1b 1 Camera Setup
Ri-xW1b 1
2:04 Isolate (User Interface)
7:03 OrientCameraToSrf (Parametric)
Ri-xW1a 5 Mesh Repair
Ri-xW1a 5
0:17 Isolate (User Interface)
0:23 ZoomSelected (User Interface)
1:49 ShowEdges (Parametric)
3:07 MatchMeshEdge (Parametric)
4:25 FillMeshHoles (Parametric)
5:00 PatchSingleFace (Parametric)
4:25 FillMeshHole (Parametric)