AC-1d First 3D Printable Model


About this Tutorial

This course is intended for first time ArchiCAD users and/or modeling as subject. Self-taught users can also profit from these structures to consolidate essential concepts. Here we will develop our understanding of tools, commands and processes while we create our first 3D printable models. We will then use these tools to create the final GCodes for printing. Let’s practice our ArchiCAD Modeling skills together.

Skill level and duration

Level: First Time Users 

Duration: A couple of hours  

In this tutorial you will learn

  1. The Simple Volume

  2. The Bridge

  3. The Colonnade 

  4. The Urban Concept

The materials you will need

  1. Your laptop with internet connection to download and install software during the course.

Tutorial content

• 4 Videos 

• Full Tutorial Script 

• Sample 3D File

Why take this tutorial

ArchiCAD is a deep and complex program which can help you create many architectural projects using tools and commands which you will need to understand and master. This chapter provides you with a good and simple exercise of basic Modeling tools found in ArchiCAD to then slice it in a 3D program. In this unit you will do your modeling keeping in mind that you are using this model so you can 3D print it next, asking yourself about the next steps, and the doubts that always appear in the process: How is it going to be printed? How could it fail? Is there a better, more efficient way to print this?


1. The Simple Volume

1.1. Create the Cube

  1. Go to the 3D View.

  2. To create a Morph: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Box

  3. Start the command

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 30

    • Dimension 2: 30

    • Distance: 10

1.2. Export STL

  1. Isolate the Model F5.

  2. Save as: STL.

  3. Define the Scale 1:1

2. The Bridge

2.1. Create the Morphs

  1. Go to the 3D View.

  2. To create the bridge: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Box

  3. Start the command

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 10

    • Dimension 2: 95

    • Distance: 3

  4. To create the legs: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 10

    • Dimension 2: 5

    • Distance: 7

  5. Second leg

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 10

    • Dimension 2: 10

    • Distance: 7

2.2. Move Them

  1. To Move the bridge:

    • Ctrl + D

    • PP > Drag

2.3. Export STL

  1. Isolate the Model F5.

  2. Save as: STL.

  3. Define the Scale 1:1

3. The Colonnade

3.1. Create the Morphs

  1. Go to the 3D View.

  2. To create the legs: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Box

  3. Start the command

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 2

    • Dimension 2: 2

    • Distance: 15

  4. Copy the double: Ctrl + Shift + D + Ctrl

    • Distance: 20

  5. Copy the pair: Ctrl + Shift + D + Ctrl

    • Distance: 20

  6. To create the table: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Box

  7. Start the command

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 22

    • Dimension 2: 42

    • Distance: 2

2.2. Move the Table

  1. To Move the table:

    • Ctrl + D

    • PP > Drag

2.3. Export STL

  1. Isolate the Model F5.

  2. Save as: STL.

  3. Define the Scale 1:1

4. The Urban Concept

4.1. Draw the Square Base

  1. Go to the 3D View.

  2. To create the legs: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Straight Rectangular

  3. Start the command.

    Adjust the following Dimensions: Tab

    • Dimension 1: 300

    • Dimension 2: 350

  4. To create the Buildings: Toolbar > Design > Morph

    Adjust the following Settings

    • Geometry Method: Box

  5. Start the command:

    • Do the building as you wish.

    • Recommended height: 15-30.

4.1. Export STL

  1. Isolate the Model F5.

  2. Save as: STL.

  3. Define the Scale 1:1


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AC-1c Manual CADing Basics in ArchiCAD