Follow me step by step in a series of videos designed to guide you through your architectural project.
FS-0 Flash Skills
Learn some Flash Skills with me!
All the softwares that I teach in 3D Jony are very complex. Here are some tips, tricks and fixes that can be very helpful but hard to find elsewhere.
Cu-0 Ultimaker Cura Foundations
Open Ultimaker CURA for the absolute first time with me!
Let me show you the knots and bolts of the software for you to be ready to follow any tutorial, course or even start experimenting on your own.
Pr-0 PrusaSlicer Foundations
Open PrusaSlicer for the absolute first time with me!
Let me show you the knots and bolts of the software for you to be ready to follow any tutorial, course, or to start experimenting on your own.